Creating altering and dropping a database

 Creating database From GUI:-

Open SQL Server Management and right-click of database and click new database options

 Provide the database name and click ok 

Create Database by Query:-

click new query  in sql management GUI

Write query 
create database collage
collage is database name 

When we create database, there two file generate. Look the properties one of these database we have  created. Click properties.

Then click file option 

there are two file 
.mdf and .ldf created 

Create Database from Query

To create a database on a SQL Server instance, execute the command below. We must be logged into the server and have the necessary permissions in order to build a database (CREATE DATABASE, CREATE ANY DATABASE, or ALTER ANY DATABASE).

Open query editor and write command 

Create Database DatabseName 

then press F5 

where "database-name" is the name of the database that will be made, and it must adhere to the following rules:


On the SQL Server instance, it must be distinct.

When using the CREATE DATABASE command, the log and data file names (which need to be 128 characters long) can be specified explicitly. The default name for log files (generated by SQL Server) appends a suffix to the specified database name (database-name>), thus if we don't do that, we can have 123 characters in the database name.

It must adhere to the naming guidelines for SQL Server IDs and can be alphanumeric. To view the naming guidelines for identifiers in SQL Server, click here.

A single SQL Server instance may support up to 32767 databases at once.


Using the ALTER DATABASE command, we can modify the settings of a constructed database. For instance, use the syntax listed below to change the name of a data or log file.

Syntax: ALTER DATABASE <database-name> MODIFY FILE (NAME = <old file name>, NEWNAME = <new file name>)

USE DummyDatabase

ALTER DATABASE DummyDatabase MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'DummyDatabase_Data', NEWNAME = 'DummyDatabase_Data_Test')



Use the command below to rename the database from DummyDatabase to DummyDatabase Test;

USE master;

ALTER DATABASE DummyDatabase Modify Name = DummyDatabase_Test;





Use the syntax below to permanently remove a database from the server;

Syntax: DROP DATABASE <database-name>

The command to delete database "DummyDatabase" is listed below.

DROP Database DummyDatabase;