DateTime functions in SQL Server

Dates in SQL are difficult for beginners to understand since, while working with databases, the format of the date in the table must match the input date in order to insert. Datetime is sometimes used in place of dates because dates and times are related.


Some of the crucial date-related features were already covered in the last post. The main goal of this article is to familiarise readers with the syntax and operation of all date functions:DateTime functions in SQL Server 

DateTime functions in SQL Server 

In this post, we will learn about.

1. DateTime data types

2. DateTime functions are available to select the current system date and time

3. Understanding concept - UTC time and Time Zone 

There are many built-in DateTime functions available in SQL Server. All of the following functions can be used to get the current system date and time, where you have SQL Server installed.

Function              Date Time Format            Description

GETDATE()           2012-08-31 20:15:04.543              Commonly used function

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP   2012-08-31 20:15:04.543              ANSI SQL equivalent to GETDATE

SYSDATETIME()  2012-08-31 20:15:04.5380028     More fractional seconds precision

SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()    2012-08-31 20:15:04.5380028 + 01:00    More fractional seconds precision + Time zone offset

GETUTCDATE()   2012-08-31 19:15:04.543              UTC Date and Time

SYSUTCDATETIME()         2012-08-31 19:15:04.5380028     UTC Date and Time, with More fractional seconds precision



Note: UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time, on the basis of which the world regulates clocks and time. There is little difference between GMT and UTC, but for most general purposes, UTC is synonymous with GMT..


To practically understand how the different date-time data types available in SQL Server, store data, create the sample table tblDateTime.

CREATE TABLE [tblDateTime]


 [c_time] [time](7) NULL,

 [c_date] [date] NULL,

 [c_smalldatetime] [smalldatetime] NULL,

 [c_datetime] [datetime] NULL,

 [c_datetime2] [datetime2](7) NULL,

 [c_datetimeoffset] [datetimeoffset](7) NULL


To Insert sample data, execute the following query. 


Now, issue a SELECT statement, and you should see a variety of DateTime datatypes, storing the current date time, in various formats.

ADDDATE():After a specific time or date interval has been added, it returns a date.
Syntax: SELECT ADDTIME("2018-07-16 02:52:47", "2");
Output: 2018-07-16 02:52:49
ADDTIME(): After a specific amount of time has been added, it returns a time/date.
Syntax: SELECT ADDTIME("2017-06-15 09:34:21", "2");
Output: 2017-06-15 09:34:23
CURDATE(): It returns the current date.
Output: 2018-07-16
CURRENT_DATE(): It gives back the current date.
Output: 2018-07-16
CURRENT_TIME(): It gives back the current time and date.
Output: 02:53:15
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(): It gives back the current date and time.
Output: 2018-07-16 02:53:21
CURTIME(): It returns the current time.
Output: 02:53:28
DATE(): It extracts the date value from a date or date time expression.
Syntax: SELECT DATE("2017-06-15");
Output: 2017-06-15
DATEDIFF(): It returns the difference in days between two date values.
Syntax: SELECT DATEDIFF("2017-06-25", "2017-06-15");
Output: 10
DATE_ADD(): It gives back a date after a certain time/date interval has been added.
Syntax: SELECT DATE_ADD("2018-07-16", INTERVAL 10 DAY);
Output: 2018-07-16
DATE_FORMAT(): It formats a date in accordance with a format mask.
Syntax: SELECT DATE_FORMAT("2018-06-15", "%Y");
Output: 2018
DATE_SUB(): It gives back a date after a certain time/date interval has been subtracted.
Syntax: SELECT DATE_SUB("2017-06-15", INTERVAL 10 DAY);
Output: 2018-07-16
DAY(): It gives back the day portion of a date value.
Syntax: SELECT DAY("2018-07-16");
Output: 16
DAYNAME(): It returns the weekday name for a date.
Syntax: SELECT DAYNAME('2008-05-15');
Output: Thursday
DAYOFMONTH(): It returns the day portion of a date value.
Syntax: SELECT DAYOFMONTH('2018-07-16');
Output: 16
DAYWEEK(): It returns the weekday index for a date value.
Syntax: SELECT WEEKDAY("2018-07-16");
Output: 0
DAYOFYEAR(): It returns the day of the year for a date value.
Syntax: SELECT DAYOFYEAR("2018-07-16");
Output: 197
EXTRACT(): It extracts parts from a date.
Syntax: SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM "2018-07-16");
Output: 7
FROM_DAYS(): It gives back a date value from a numeric representation of the day.
Syntax: SELECT FROM_DAYS(685467);
Output: 1876-09-29
HOUR(): It returns the hour portion of a date value.
Syntax: SELECT HOUR("2018-07-16 09:34:00");
Output: 9
LAST_DAY(): It gives back the last day of the month for a given date.
Syntax: SELECT LAST_DAY('2018-07-16');
Output: 2018-07-31
LOCALTIME(): It returns the current date and time.
Output: 2018-07-16 02:56:42
LOCALTIMESTAMP(): It returns the current date and time.
Output: 2018-07-16 02:56:48
MAKEDATE(): It returns the date for a certain year and day-of-year value.
Syntax: SELECT MAKEDATE(2009, 138);
Output: 2009-05-18
MAKETIME(): It returns the time for a certain hour, minute, second combination.
Syntax: SELECT MAKETIME(11, 35, 4);
Output: 11:35:04